Everyone has seen or had one of these at some time or another. They're known by various names: Squeezums, Kissy Heads, Kiss'n Critters, Kiss Me Quicks, and probably others that I can't think of right now. Squeeze their cheeks and their mouth opens wide. They're terrific for holding some tiny little surprise item, the most traditional use is with a Hershey's candy kiss in the mouth so when you squeeze the cheeks you get a kiss!!!
These make up quickly with Plastic Canvas and there are dozens of delightful designs to choose from. You can use them for Party Favors, adorable magnets (clamp your notes in the mouth), Christmas Stocking stuffers, to hold money for a gift, as package ties, placecard holders... the possibilities are endless. They're perfect for clamping (biting?) onto the branches of a Christmas Tree as Ornaments. Pass them out in the morning and they'll keep the kids occupied and happy... and give you a few minutes to relax before the day really gets going.
Kiss Me Quick from Leisure Arts has patterns for a Lion, Clown, Alligator, Zebra, Parrot, Lamb, Monkey and a Cow. Christmas Squeezums from American School of Needlework has over 2 dozen Holiday designs including Santa and Mrs. Claus, Snowflake Singers, Angels and more. Squeezum Folks from American School of Needlework has another 2 dozen or so designs that you'll love, like: Punk Rocker, Construction Worker, Fortune-Teller, Highway Patrolman and others. You can find a terrific assortment of Craft Patterns for Squeezums at Stone Hill Collectibles. While you're there check out all the other wonderful Craft Patterns for other great projects. And don't forget to pick out your Free item before you check out with your goodies... one per order (please) and NO minimum dollar amount required.